
A powerful ecosystem

Limburg has 300 innovative life sciences and health companies that are located in the region. Together with numerous public and private research centers, five major universities, four academic hospitals, and thirty technology centers, they form the powerful LSH ecosystem of our province and the nearby German and Belgium region. Furthermore, ample facilities, partners, and business parks are on hand to let you tap into the vast knowledge that is available. The Merln Institute, focusing on material application development, and InSciTe, looking at specific medical application, are good examples, but the big innovative catalyst of our region is the Brightlands campus in Maastricht!


Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus

The Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus is part of the Brightlands concept, an open innovation community in Limburg that brings together innovative entrepreneurs, researchers, and students in a specific sector. In Maastricht they are especially focused on tomorrow’s health where the researchers, doctors, entrepreneurs, and students work together on innovations in healthcare, medicine, and biosciences. Valorization is the main goal of the campus as they try to cocreate products and services that will contribute to better public health. The campus offers all the facilities to support the entire value creation chain, from idea through market introduction.

of total employment
LSH students

Cross-border ecosystem

Limburg and its border regions offer the perfect breeding ground for life sciences companies. From Maastricht there are very close connections to Eindhoven, Leuven, and Liège in Belgium as well as Aachen in Germany. Within this small but powerful tri-national triangle, you can achieve a strong entry into the European market with market leaders, world-class researchers, and talented students by your side.

Soft Landing Track: MedTech

LIOF assists foreign, small and medium-sized companies with their European business launch by means of its “Soft Landing Track MedTech” by which you can benefit from the excellent network in the sector. From first contact to introductions with the right service providers, and through facilitating tailor-made fact-finding tours for business orientation on the Limburg region, your location is assured in a European MedTech gateway! 

Read more
Why Medtronic chose for doing business in Limburg

Upcoming events

26 April / 24-July | London
Health + Care 

26 November | Chicago
RSNA 2023

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Companies in Limburg with a European presence